Coquetdale 5122

Coquetdale Lodge - No.5122

Welcome to our web site

Installation Night 2024

A Great night was had by all at our Installation on the 10th October in the Masonic Hall, Alnwick, when Bro. Stephen Allan Young was Installed into the Chair of King Solomon by his father W.Bro. Allan Young PProvJGD

On a very special night it was obvious what it meant to Stephen and especially when his Dad sang Masonry Divine. W.Bro. John Wood presented the old IM's Working Tools (now obsolete) and W.Bro. Robin Murray presented the VSL. There were 53 brethren present and 49 of which stayed for the festive board.

W.Bro. Les Francis of Posthorn Lodge has been raising funds for Cancer Research UK by doing 100 press ups each day during October and passed a donation box around all who were present. The Lodge presented him with half the raffle proceedings to go to his efforts and the Grand Total was £431.25 (including Gift aid).

We look forward to an excellent year with an outstanding brother now in the chair of King Solomon, and know our future is bright.

January & February Initiates

At our January & February meetings we had quite a unique night for Coquetdale lodge with initiating two new candidates to Freemasonry and at our January meeting it was a little special with three generations involved in the first degree ceremony, our Worshipful Master W.Bro. Allan Young PProvJGD initiated his Grandson Max with the help of the Initiates Father Bro. Stephen Young as Senior Warden eg Grandfather, Father and Grandson...

At our February meeting we were very pleased to bring into our small family Bro Daniel. These are the first Initiates we have had for quite a number of years, thanks mainly to the efforts of our WM.

Officers & Founding Members

seen outside the then County Hotel

(now the RAFA)

Five Years in June until our Centenary

Presentation to Rothbury First School

Coquetdale Lodge members had the great pleasure of presenting a cheque of £2,100 to Rothbury First School Choir from the Masons of Northumberland on Monday 16th October which will pay the Tutors tuition fees for the next two years.

After-school clubs are paid for by the parents of the children, but with the current financial climate some may find they cannot afford these clubs, so it is hoped that this donation will allow all children the opportunity of taking part in the Choir classes.

The choir won a trophy during the summer when they sang at the Rothbury Traditional Music festival and hopefully these classes will help them win many more.

Glenn Thompson, along with Allan Young and Thomson Bathgate

presenting the cheque to James Tate (tutor)

with co-head teachers Cheryl Auld, Helen Duffield and the children of the choir

A Visit to see the Red Squirrel Habitat

7th October 2023

main photo courtesy of Wro. Ian Glendinning

50 Years in the Craft

Presentations by

R.W.Bro. J.J. Craigs  Provincial Grand Master


W. Bro. James Oliver PAGDC & Bro. James Renwick PProvGStdB

May 11th 2023

Some more images of this fabulous night

Donation To NSPD

(Northumberland Scottish Pipes & Drums)


Images from our Burns Celebration Night April 2023

Proceeds of our Burns Night Raffle Presented to Andy Grant by W.Bro. Robin Murray

some images from a great night

Coquetdale Lodge


UCCT Transport to Warm Hubs

Coquetdale Lodge are very pleased to be helping UCCT in their efforts to provide transport for the community to Warm Hubs.

".....The cost of living crisis has impacted the elderly and mobility impaired in our community and we are looking to provide transport to warm hubs and spaces where they can keep warm through the winter months.  We are hoping to provide car and minibus services dependent on need.  We would like to be able to secure enough funding to cover the cost of this service".  

"The funds will be used to cover all the expenses involved in providing transport including the administration costs of the service, vehicle running costs for trips, volunteer driver expenses, insurance and promotional expenses...."

W.Bro. Thomson Bathgate seen presenting a cheque for £250 to Ms. Lesley Leeson

Supporting The Coquetdale Red Squirrels

Coquetdale Lodge are pleased to be supporting the efforts of the Coquetdale Squirrel Groups efforts to safeguard the future of our endangered Red Squirrels.

If you wish to help, or know more about what they do, you can visit them on their Web Site or their Facebook page.

Ian's efforts have not gone unnoticed, and he received an invitation from W.Bro. Kevin Stannard, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Northumberland, to attend Lodge Epicure in Hexham to give a talk on the Red Squirrels to further inform communities of the plight of our Red Squirrels and hopefully promote a better understanding of what's needed.

Presentation of framed photo to Lodge Epicure

seen below are (L to R)

W.Bro. Ian Glendinning PProvGStdB, W.Bro. Barrie Mellars WM, PProvJGW (Bucks) & W.Bro. Kevin Stannard DPGM

All Images are the property of and courtesy of Ian Glendinning

Craftcast: The Freemasons Podcast

Welcome to Craftcast: The Freemasons Podcast. Craftcast is the official podcast of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) - the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and Districts overseas.

In every episode Shaun Butler, James Dalton and Stephen Whatley are chatting all things Freemasonry. They ask the big questions, talk about their experiences and interview special guests from across UGLE. 

Craftcast is the podcast for everyone from seasoned Freemasons to those just curious about what we do - so please come along for the ride. Get in touch by emailing us at or on Twitter @UGLE_GrandLodge by using the hashtag #Craftcast

Click Image below to listen in

Donation to Red Squirrel Group

all images courtesy of W.Bro. Ian Glendinning

At our Installation Meeting on the 13th October, we donated the funds of our Raffle to the Red Squirrel Group to help offset their costs. They were very appreciative and have kindly offered to take any brethren and their guests on a tour of the area they look after.

We subsequently applied to the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund for help with their annual costs of feed & equipment and we were pleased to hear from Ian that the application had been successful

Scottys Little Soldiers

Bro. Stephen Young (JW) took it upon himself to cycle 250 miles for Scotty's Little Soldiers, a charity for the children of UK armed forces personnel killed in the line of duty.

He was sponsored by work colleagues, friends and family to the sum of £300 which went directly into his site of the Scotty's Little Hero's Site.

At some stage he was thinking Germoloids Cream should sponsor him

Cycle Park Opens after Three Years

Three years in the making, Rothbury Bike Park has finally come to fruition, thanks to a generous £3000 donation from Northumberland Freemasons. Created to promote the amateur sports of Mountain and BMX cycling in the local community, and developed in association with the Coquet Cycling Club, the track features a series of jumps and turns, and caters for all levels of ability.

extracts from Freemasons Northumberland

Byron Beatty, Chairman of the Bike Park Committee, explained “The idea of a bike park in Rothbury came from the children in the area looking for the opportunity to have some fun in their spare time, in the same way similar skateboarding and cycling facilities had sprung up in other cities and towns. The opening of the bike park has sparked a whole new fervour with the current generation of riders, and it’s fantastic to see them developing their skills and spending more time being active outside. We have some real talent coming through in Rothbury and hopefully the next generation will follow.

None of this would be possible without the donations and support we have received from a variety of charitable sources, the local council and businesses. We were delighted to have been selected by the masons to receive a significant donation towards the cost of the build. They had expressed an interest very early on in supporting the initiative and have continued to stay close, offering both professional advice from members and financial contributions on not one but two occasions.”

The end of July saw Alasdair Watson, one of the Trustees of the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund, accompany members of Coquetdale Lodge No.5122, which meets at Alnwick Masonic Hall, to visit the new facility.

some further images

Heritage Open day

On Saturday 11th September, The Alnwick Masonic Building took part in the Heritage Open Day which resulted in some 117 people visiting the building and Temple.

There were three membership enquiries and a Hall booking which was excellent, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the talks that were given in the Temple about the History of the building and the Chevy Chase sideboard.

Our own Brethren were present of course and W.Bro. Thomson really took it in his stride, and as one onlooker stated "..... and whose energy and enthusiasm in the Temple with the visitors was a joy to see".

Thomson can be seen (blue shirt back towards the camera) talking to visitors at the WM's pedestal.

A few more images from the Heritage Open Day

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Presentation to the Rothbury Branch of the RVS

On Tuesday 4th June, and on behalf of the Freemasons of Northumberland (RHHMBF), our WM Allan Young, accompanied by W.Bro. Thomson Bathgate PProvSGW (Treasurer) presented a cheque to the Rothbury Branch of the RVS. This extremely kind donation of £500 will ensure that the Branch can continue for the coming months. Cuts had been on the cards and this would have had a detrimental effect to some of the more vulnerable residents of the Rothbury area, but this donation added to the £300 previously donated by Coquetdale Lodge in January this year means they can continue to enjoy their weekly social gathering....many thanks again from David to the RHHMBF and Coquetdale Lodge.

Presentation of Cheque to Chernobyl Childrens Lifeline

On Saturday 27th April at Rothbury Golf Club following the successful running of two fund raisers - Coffee Morning & Table Top Sale on 13th April and the Disco & Bar-b-q on the 27th - a cheque for £550 was handed over to the one of the host families who are having 2 ten year old girls for a month under the Chernobyl Childrens Lifeline Charity.

Sharon & John gratefully received the cheque and thanked everyone for their efforts to help fund a few fun activities for the children while they are here.

Below are a selection of photos from the night

W.M. Allan Young, with Sharon, John and W.Bro. Robin Murray

Presentation of Cheque to Rothbury Bike Park Committee

On Saturday 2nd February 2019, Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 made a presentation of a cheque for £3,000 to the Chair and Funding Manager of the Planned Bike Park in Rothbury. The funds came from an application to the RHHMBF and was greatly appreciated by all concerned.

It is planned to have the Bike Park up and running by late summer and it will be a great addition to the village for the youngsters.

Those present are W.Bro. Thomson Bathgate PProvSGW, W.Bro. Allan Young W.M., also Byron (Chair) & Cheryl (Funding Manager) plus Alfie the dog, from the Bike Park Committee

Presentation of Cheque to Rothbury Branch of the RVS

On Tuesday 8th January 2019, Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 made a presentation of a cheque for £300 to the local branch of the RVS to assist them in proving valuable services, in the main to the eldery and infirm. The funds came from our annual Christmas Social Raffle, which raised £168 and the Lodge made up the difference to give a grand total of £300. W.Bro. Thomson did the honours handing the cheque to David, which was very gratefully received.
David reports that the Rothbury Branch was almost closed down in December just gone due to cuts in funding, but was reprieved with funds that will see them through until March 2019 and hopefully further funding can be sourced to keep it open permanently 

On Saturday 2nd June the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. J.J. Craigs, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland donated a cheque to the value of £1,550 to the Alnwick Amateur Boxing Club which was received on behalf of the club by Jim, who is one of the many younger folk who enjoy these facilities.

The funds come from the Masons of Northumberland, more familiarly known as the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund.

Members of Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 who’d originally applied to the fund for a donation for the club were also present in the persons of W.Bro. W. Thomson Bathgate PProvSGW and Treasurer of the Lodge, W.Bro. Robin P. Murray Secretary and W.Bro. Alan Thompson IPM.

We were warmly welcomed and shown around the facilities of the Club and tried some of the equipment – the weigh-in machine proving to be the most humorous. Some of their number, including their organiser Gary Pattinson and one of the club’s and England’s young female rising stars were absent as they were taking part in a competition at an event in Penrith, the ‘Lord Lonsdale Box Cup’.

The club have now purchased all the equipment they had hoped for.
see image below
A large amount of funds was raised, by the Lodge itself and from the many visitors at our last meeting in the Raffle, which was to be donated to a not-for-profit organisation in Namibia specialising in support for children with special needs and their families. This fund raising had been organised at the request of W.Bro. Ian Glendinning PProvGStdB who has visited Namibia over a number of years and seen at first hand the excellent work that had been done. The amount shown on the receipt is in Namibian Dollars and is equivalent to £400 sterling.
Below is a copy of the receipt they sent back along with their very grateful thanks, and a few photos from a recent visit by W.Bro. I. Glendinning PProvGStdB.

Rothbury Bowling Club, with the help of several grants and donations, including R.H.H.M.B.F. and Coquetdale Lodge No.5122, now have their new piece of grounds machinery.....the machinery cost in excess of £5,000 in total - we in our small way helped them achieve there target for which they are very thankful...

Rothbury Bowling Club & Rothbury Cycle Track
£150 to each organisation
Names L to R
              back row    W.Bro Thomson Bathgate (Lodge Treasurer)
front row        David Bolton                Bill Butters                      Byron Beatty           Alan Thompson (WM)              
   Bowling Club President   Bowling Club Secretary       Cycle Track                                                               
                                   (Team Leader)

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50 year Certificate Presentation - 12th May 2016


W. Bro W. Thomson Bathgate PProvSGW

W.Bro. W. Thomson Bathgate PProvSGW

below are a few more images from his presentation night

Masonic Weekend April 2016
Grange Over Sands

50 year Certificate Presentation


W. Bro Norman Martin PProvSGW

from L to R

Right Worshipful Brother J.J. Craigs           W.Bro. Norman Martin PProvSGW               W.Bro. John Tomlin PAGDC    

               Provincial Grand Master

A few more images from Normans 50 year Presentation


 Presentation to Rothbury Drop In Center

7th January 2016

Hayley Brown, who works for NCC as a youth worker and will be running the Drop In Center, represented the Youth Project and received their cheque from David Brown MBE, JP, and Charity Steward of Coquetdale Lodge, on the 7th January at the 1st opening of the year of the Drop in Centre in the Jubilee Hall, Rothbury. Also in attendance was Graham Lockwood, Bev Common also from NCC and Jeff Reynalds along with Cheryl Lickiss who are Trustees of the Youth Project.

Presentation to Upper Coquetdale Community Transport

18th December 2015

We met up with the Passengers and Nicola, the Transport Manager of UCCT - she's the one in the green elf hat waiting on, and with Thomson - at the Vale Cafe on the occasion of their Christmas thank you to their passengers. We had a thoroughly enjoyable chat with everyone and was made most welcome. The cakes, sandwiches, mince pies and coffee were in ample supply. Thomson kindly made the presentation of our Cheque from proceeds raised at our Christmas Party on Saturday night past, after a brief speech (unusual for him eh) in this his 50th year in Craft Masonry.

50 year Certificate Presentation to W. Bro Smail


Burns Night 2015

(cheers from the Worshipful Master)

Coquetdale Burns Night 2014


75 year photo - 2004


Standing - left to right Michael Richardson, Bobby Walton, Phillip Gregory, Alan Thompson, Bobby Dixon
Basil Davison, Angus (Gus) Hutton, Keith Hutton, Jim Renwick, John Young, Robin Murray, Alan Coe.
Seated - left to right - David Brown, Norman Martin, David Taylor, Thomson Bathgate (Master), Jim Oliver
David Cummins, Ian Glendinning.


 Lodge Interior - April 2010

Final preparations before our Lodge Meeting - Burns Celebration Night - 2010
(viewed from the west)



Lodge Interior - April 2010
Final preparations before our Lodge Meeting - Burns Celebration Night - 2010
(viewed from the east)


Lodge Interior - October 2010



The Masonic Temple in Alnwick has recently undergone some major interior renovation. A big vote of thanks must go to all those who gave of their time to do what was required although the cost of the material was in excess of £5,000.

Thanks to everyone involved we now have this beautiful Temple, with new carpets and pristine walls. It is a real joy to attend Lodge meetings.


Coquetdale Lodge No.5122
The move to Alnwick Masonic Temple
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