Coquetdale 5122

Coquetdale Lodge -

Old Lectures in the Lodge

Please note - most lectures will be displayed as PDF files - to view click titles below

May 9th 2024 -Toast - A toast given by the Provincial JW Christopher Ainsley PGJW in Cquetdale Lodge on the occasion of the Provincial Visit

March 14th 2013 - The Liberal Arts and Sciences - by W.Bro. Ian Glendinning, Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 - to contact W.Bro. Ian for use of this Lecture, please contact Coquetdale 5122 Lodge Secretary, thankyou.

May 10th 2012 - English Freemasonry during the Second World War - by W.Bro. Charles Scott, Secretary of Alnwick Lodge No.1167 - to contact W.Bro. Charles for the use of this Lecture, please contact Secretary, Alnwick Lodge No.1167, thankyou

A short History of Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 - by W.Bro. Ian Glendinning, Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 - to contact W.Bro. Ian for use of this Lecture, please contact Coquetdale 5122 Lodge Secretary, thankyou.

Astronomy - A Liberal Science 11th December 2014 - by W.Bro. Ian Glendinning, Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 - to contact W.Bro. Ian for use of this Lecture, please contact Coquetdale 5122 Lodge Secretary, thankyou.

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